
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Antonella Polimeni” ,找到相关结果约1528条。
Use of Lozenges Containing Lactobacillus brevis CD2 in Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial
Vito Trinchieri,Stefano Di Carlo,Maurizio Bossu',Antonella Polimeni
Ulcers , 2011, DOI: 10.1155/2011/439425
Abstract: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a common disorder of the oral cavity, affecting mainly young people. It is characterized by small ulcers which can be very painful and generally heal spontaneously within 7–14 days. There is currently no therapy that can provide rapid healing. This study evaluated the efficacy and rapidity of response of a lozenge containing Lactobacillus brevis CD2. 30 patients were randomized to take 4 lozenges a day of active product or placebo for 7 days. Signs and symptoms as well as laboratory parameters in the saliva were assessed at the start of the study and after 7 days of treatment. The study demonstrated the efficacy and the rapidity of response of the Lactobacillus brevis CD2 lozenges in resolving the clinical signs and symptoms of aphthous stomatitis, with a significantly rapid improvement of pain. This is the first study confirming the efficacy of a probiotic product in this pathology.
Do skeletal cephalometric characteristics correlate with condylar volume, surface and shape? A 3D analysis
Matteo Saccucci, Antonella Polimeni, Felice Festa, Simona Tecco
Head & Face Medicine , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1746-160x-8-15
Abstract: For 94 patients (46 females and 48 males; mean age 24.3?±?6.5?years), resultant rendering reconstructions of the left and right temporal mandibular joints (TMJs) were obtained.Subjects were then classified on the base of ANB angle the GoGn-SN angle in three classes (I, II, III) . The data of the different classes were compared.No significant difference was observed in the whole sample between the right and the left sides in condylar volume.The analysis of mean volume among low, normal and high mandibular plane angles revealed a significantly higher volume and surface in low angle subjects (p?<?0.01) compared to the other groups.Class III subjects also tended to show a higher condylar volume and surface than class I and class II subjects, although the difference was not significant.Higher condylar volume was a common characteristic of low angle subjects compared to normal and high mandibular plane angle subjects. Skeletal class also appears to be associated to condylar volume and surface.The shape and volume of the condyle in young adults is considered to play an important role in the stability of long-term orthodontic and orthognathic therapies [1]‐ [7].Since the mandibular condyle undergoes a remodelling process as it responds to continuous stimuli from childhood to adulthood, it is the primary centre of growth in the mandible, where its final dimension of shape and volume could be linked to the relation between the maxillary and mandibular bases.Being a part of the TMJ structure, the condyle shows a continuous adaptability to functional stimuli. During adulthood, the condyle is often subjected to an ongoing remodelling processes, such as flattening, erosion, sclerosis, osteophytes, and resorption, which could affect its volume and shape [3].Such changes in the condyle are more associated with a number of clinical conditions: (i) arthritis, which can affect the condylar volume; (ii) the asymmetry, as recently assessed in humans [8]; (iii) anterior disc displacement
Postural loads during walking after an imbalance of occlusion created with unilateral cotton rolls
Simona Tecco, Antonella Polimeni, Matteo Saccucci, Felice Festa
BMC Research Notes , 2010, DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-3-141
Abstract: In a sample of thirty Caucasian adult females (mean age 28.5 ± 4.5), asymptomatic for TMDs, when a cotton roll was positioned on the left or the right sides of dental arches, so causing a lateral shift of the mandible, the percentage of loading and the loading surface of the ipsi-lateral foot, left or right, were found to be significantly lower than in habitual occlusion (p < 0.05). Males were not included because of their different postural attitude respect to females. Further studies in a sample of males will be presented.This study showed that in health subjects without TMD's symptoms, an experimentally induced imbalance of the occlusion, obtained through an unilateral cotton roll, is associated to detectable alterations in the distribution of loading on feet surface, during walking.This study adds new data on a previous investigation, recently published, [1] in which it was showed, in a group of Caucasian adult females with TMD's symptoms, that the the interposition of two cotton rolls between dental arches causes an increase of the percentage of loading on feet during locomotion, that can not be observed in subjects without TMD's symptoms. However, this previous study does not clarify whether these types of correlations are proper of TMDs patients, or are detectable also in subjects without TMD's symptoms, that could have importance for a correct diagnosis of postural disorders.Now, we are able to add new data to these previous findings, about the changes in the loading on feet, during walking, in health subjects without TMD's symptoms.In this study, an imbalance of the occlusion was experimentally induced in agroup of health subjects without TMD's symptoms, through an unilateral cotton rollinterposed between the upper and the lower teeth, thus generating an asymmetric imbalance of the occlusion. The postural loading on feet during walking was then investigated.This protocol was performed after the first study [1] from the same authors, in which some correlatio
Use of Lozenges Containing Lactobacillus brevis CD2 in Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial
Vito Trinchieri,Stefano Di Carlo,Maurizio Bossu',Antonella Polimeni
Ulcers , 2011, DOI: 10.1155/2011/439425
Abstract: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a common disorder of the oral cavity, affecting mainly young people. It is characterized by small ulcers which can be very painful and generally heal spontaneously within 7–14 days. There is currently no therapy that can provide rapid healing. This study evaluated the efficacy and rapidity of response of a lozenge containing Lactobacillus brevis CD2. 30 patients were randomized to take 4 lozenges a day of active product or placebo for 7 days. Signs and symptoms as well as laboratory parameters in the saliva were assessed at the start of the study and after 7 days of treatment. The study demonstrated the efficacy and the rapidity of response of the Lactobacillus brevis CD2 lozenges in resolving the clinical signs and symptoms of aphthous stomatitis, with a significantly rapid improvement of pain. This is the first study confirming the efficacy of a probiotic product in this pathology. 1. Introduction Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is characterized by spontaneously self-limiting ulcerations of the mucosa of the oral cavity. The lesions can be single or multiple and generally affect the nonkeratinized mucosa of the cheeks, the soft palate, the fauces, the mouth floor, the tongue, and the gums. This pathology can be observed in 20–30% of the population and most commonly affects the higher social classes [1, 2]. The highest incidence is among young people between 10 and 20 years of age, the severity and frequency of ulcers decreasing with age [3–6]. Genetic predisposition is also involved; if both parents suffer from recurrent aphthous stomatitis, the probability of an early onset of such pathology is as high as 90%, but this probability falls to 10% if only one parent suffers from it [7]. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis can be divided into three categories according to the characteristics of the ulcer: major, minor, and herpetiform. The major form is characterized by painful ulcers (>10?mm) which erode the mucosa creating deep ulcers located on the palate, tonsils, pharynx, or tongue, which generally heal—often forming a scar—within 2 weeks, but can sometimes take months. The minor form is the most common and represents about 80% of all cases of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Clinically, it presents painful, small (5–10?mm), well-defined ulcers, which are round or oval in shape; they usually affect the buccal or labial mucosa and heal in about 7–10 days. The herpetiform type is named after its likeness to Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) ulcerations. Recurrences can generally be observed every 1–4 months, but some patients
Minimally invasive orthodontics: elastodontic therapy in a growing patient affected by Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
Antonella Polimeni,Gaetano Ierardo,Giuliana Nardacci,Iole Vozza,Valeria Luzzi
- , 2017, DOI: 10.11138/ads/2017.8.1.034
Abstract: The aim of the study was to report the use of an elastodontic therapy in a growing patient affected by Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, second class malocclusion, deep bite and lower arch crowding from the deciduous dentition to permanent one
Antiviral Properties of Lactoferrin—A Natural Immunity Molecule
Francesca Berlutti,Fabrizio Pantanella,Tiziana Natalizi,Alessandra Frioni,Rosalba Paesano,Antonella Polimeni,Piera Valenti
Molecules , 2011, DOI: 10.3390/molecules16086992
Abstract: Lactoferrin, a multifunctional iron binding glycoprotein, plays an important role in immune regulation and defence mechanisms against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Lactoferrin’s iron withholding ability is related to inhibition of microbial growth as well as to modulation of motility, aggregation and biofilm formation of pathogenic bacteria. Independently of iron binding capability, lactoferrin interacts with microbial, viral and cell surfaces thus inhibiting microbial and viral adhesion and entry into host cells. Lactoferrin can be considered not only a primary defense factor against mucosal infections, but also a polyvalent regulator which interacts in viral infectious processes. Its antiviral activity, demonstrated against both enveloped and naked viruses, lies in the early phase of infection, thus preventing entry of virus in the host cell. This activity is exerted by binding to heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycan cell receptors, or viral particles or both. Despite the antiviral effect of lactoferrin, widely demonstrated in vitro studies, few clinical trials have been carried out and the related mechanism of action is still under debate. The nuclear localization of lactoferrin in different epithelial human cells suggests that lactoferrin exerts its antiviral effect not only in the early phase of surface interaction virus-cell, but also intracellularly. The capability of lactoferrin to exert a potent antiviral activity, through its binding to host cells and/or viral particles, and its nuclear localization strengthens the idea that lactoferrin is an important brick in the mucosal wall, effective against viral attacks and it could be usefully applied as novel strategy for treatment of viral infections.
Condylar volume and condylar area in class I, class II and class III young adult subjects
Matteo Saccucci, Michele D’Attilio, Daria Rodolfino, Felice Festa, Antonella Polimeni, Simona Tecco
Head & Face Medicine , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1746-160x-8-34
Abstract: 200 Caucasian patients (15–30 years old, 95 male and 105 females) were classified in three groups on the base of ANB angle: skeletal class I (65 patients), skeletal class II (70 patients) and skeletal class III (65 patients). Left and right TMJs of each subject were evaluated independently with CBCT (Iluma). TMJ evaluation included: condylar volume; condylar area; morphological index (MI). Condylar volumes were calculated by using the Mimics software. The condylar volume, the area and the morphological index (MI) were compared among the three groups, by using non-parametric tests.The Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann Whitney test revealed that: no significant difference was observed in the whole sample between the right and the left condylar volume; subjects in skeletal class III showed a significantly higher condylar volume, respect to class I and class II subjects (p?<?0.05); significantly lower condylar volume was observed in class II subjects, respect to class I and class III (p?<?0.05). In the whole sample condylar volume (699.8?±?63.07?mm3 in males and 663.5?±?81.3?mm3 in females; p?<?0.01) as well as condylar surface (423.24?±?63.03?mm2 in males and 389.76?±?61.15?mm2 in females; p?<?0.01) were significantly higher in males than in females.Skeletal class appeared to be associated to the mandibular condylar volume and to the mandibular condylar area in the Caucasian orthodontic population.Due to the role of the mandibular condyle in the development of the cranio-facial complex, evaluation of the condylar volume is one of the most debated arguments to improve knowledge about cranio-facial development. Since the mandibular condyle undergoes a remodelling process as it responds to continuous stimuli from childhood to adulthood, it is an important site of growth in the mandible, where its final dimension of shape and volume could be linked to the relation between the maxillary and mandibular bases [1-3].Even in adulthood, the mandibular condyle seems to answer to f
Condylar volume and surface in Caucasian young adult subjects
Simona Tecco, Matteo Saccucci, Riccardo Nucera, Antonella Polimeni, Mario Pagnoni, Giancarlo Cordasco, Felice Festa, Giorgio Iannetti
BMC Medical Imaging , 2010, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2342-10-28
Abstract: CBCT was used to measure the condylar volume, surface and the volume to surface ratio, called the Morphometric Index (MI), of 300 temporo-mandibular joints (TMJ) in 150 Caucasian young adult subjects, with varied malocclusions, without pain or dysfunction of TMJs.The condylar volume was 691.26 ± 54.52 mm3 in males and 669.65 ± 58.80 mm3 in, and was significantly higher (p< 0.001) in the males. The same was observed for the condylar surface, although without statistical significance (406.02 ± 55.22 mm2 in males and 394.77 ± 60.73 mm2 in females).Furthermore, the condylar volume (693.61 ± 62.82 mm3 ) in the right TMJ was significantly higher than in the left (666.99 ± 48.67 mm3, p < 0.001) as was the condylar surface (411.24 ± 57.99 mm2 in the right TMJ and 389.41 ± 56.63 mm2 in the left TMJ; t = 3.29; p < 0.01). The MI is 1.72 ± 0.17 for the whole sample, with no significant difference between males and females or the right and left sides.These data from temporomandibular joints of patients without pain or clinical dysfunction might serve as examples of normal TMJ's in the general population not seeking orthodontic care.Three-dimensional (3-D) Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) systems [1] produce images with high resolution (100-300 micron) and minimal distortion, that allows evaluating osteoarthrosis in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). It also allows for correlating the diagnosis to the age of the patient, [2,3] individuation of remodeling areas, [4] erosions, osteophytes, lines of fracture, bone resorption, [1] condylar displacement after orthognatic surgery, [5] or particular clinical evidences, such as the trifid condyle [6].CBCT provides a method to calculate the volume of the structure, which could be interesting from research and clinical points of view.First, from clinical point of view, the multiple image views and computer-generated 3-D models of patients could allow the diagnostician to better visualize the potential therapeutic effects before they ar
Scoliosis and dental occlusion: a review of the literature
Matteo Saccucci, Lucia Tettamanti, Stefano Mummolo, Antonella Polimeni, Felice Festa, Vincenzo Salini, Simona Tecco
Scoliosis , 2011, DOI: 10.1186/1748-7161-6-15
Abstract: The aim of this review was to evaluate the type of occluslins more prevalent in subjects with scoliosisAll randomised and controlled clinical trials identified from the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register, a MEDLINE search using the Mesh term scoliosis, malocclusion, and relevant free text words, and the bibliographies of papers and review articles which reported the outcome of orthodontic treatment in subjects with scoliosis that were published as abstracts or papers between 1970 and 2010.All randomised and controlled clinical trials published as full papers or abstracts which reported quantitative data on the outcomes malocclusion in subjects with scoliosis.Data were extracted without blinding to the authors, age of patients or type of occlusion.Using the search strategy eleven observational longitudinal studies were identified. No randomized clinical trials were recorded. Twenty-three cross-sectional studies were recorderd, and the others studies were reviews, editorials, case-reports, or opinions. The clinical trials were often not controlled and were about the cephalometric evaluation after treatment with the modified Milwuakee brace, followed by the orthodontic treatment of the class II relationship with a functional appliance. Clinical trials also included the study of the associations between scoliosis and unilateral crossbite, in children with asymmetry of the upper cervical spine. This association was also investigated in rats, pigs and rabbits in clinical trials. The other associations between scoliosis and occlusion seems to be based only on cross-sectional studies, case-reports, opinions.Based on selected studies, this review concludes that there is plausible evidence for an increased prevalence of unilateral Angle Class II malocclusions associated with scoliosis, and an increased risk of lateral crossbite, midline deviation in children affected by scoliosis. Also, documentation of associations between reduced range of lateral movements and scoli
In Vitro Screening of the Apatite-Forming Ability, Biointeractivity and Physical Properties of a Tricalcium Silicate Material for Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi,Francesco Siboni,Antonella Polimeni,Maurizio Bossù,Francesco Riccitiello,Sandro Rengo,Carlo Prati
Dentistry Journal , 2013, DOI: 10.3390/dj1040041
Abstract: Aim: Calcium silicate-based materials are hydraulic self-setting materials with physico-chemical properties suitable for endodontic surgery and good biological/clinical outcomes. The study aim was to evaluate the bio-properties (biointeractivity and apatite-forming ability) and selected physical properties (porosity, water sorption, solubility, and setting time) of Biodentine, a tricalcium silicate material for endodontics and restorative dentistry, compared to that of ProRoot MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) as gold standard material. Methods: Biodentine and ProRoot MTA pastes were prepared and analyzed for calcium release and alkalinizing activity (3 h–28 days), setting time, water sorption, porosity, solubility, surface microstructure and composition, and apatite-forming ability in simulated body fluid. Results: Biodentine showed higher calcium release, alkalinizing activity, and solubility but higher open and apparent porosity, water sorption, and a markedly shorter setting time. Calcium phosphate (CaP) deposits were noted on material surfaces after short ageing times. A CaP coating composed of spherulites was detected after 28 days. The thickness, continuity, and Ca/P ratio of the coating differed markedly between the materials. Biodentine showed a coating composed by denser but smaller spherulites, while ProRoot MTA showed large but less dense aggregates of spherulitic deposits. Conclusions: Biodentine showed a pronounced ability to release calcium and extended alkalinizing activity interlinked with its noticeable porosity, water sorption, and solubility: open porosities provide a broad wet biointeractive surface for the release of the calcium and hydroxyl ions involved in the formation of a CaP mineral. Biodentine is a biointeractive tricalcium silicate material with interesting chemical-physical properties and represents a fast-setting alternative to the conventional calcium silicate MTA-like cements.

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